Press Release

VIS Reaffirms Entity Rating of OBS Pharma (Private) Limited

Karachi, September 23, 2024: VIS Credit Rating Company Limited (VIS) has reaffirmed the entity ratings of OBS Pharma (Private) Limited (‘OBS Pharma’ or the ‘Company’) at ‘A/A-1’ (‘Single A/A-One’). Medium to long term rating of ‘A’ indicates good credit quality; protection factors are adequate. Risk factors may vary with possible changes in the economy. Short term rating of ‘A-1’ indicates strong likelihood of timely repayment of short-term obligations with excellent liquidity factors. Outlook on the assigned ratings remains ‘Stable’. Previous rating action was announced on June 16, 2023. BLR rating stands at ‘A+(blr)’ and preliminary rating of Short-Term Sukuk stands at ‘A-1(plim)’.

OBS Pharma was established in 2022 as a Special Purpose Company (SPC) to acquire specific pharmaceutical brands and a manufacturing facility from Bayer AG and its affiliates. The Company is majorly owned by Aitkenstuart Pakistan (Private) Limited. OBS Pharma's activities include the import, marketing, export, dealership, distribution, wholesale, and manufacturing of pharmaceutical and healthcare products. The ultimate parent entity of the OBS Group is West End 16 Pte Limited, based in Singapore.

The assigned rating reflects the low business risk profile of Pakistan's pharmaceutical sector, marked by stable demand and low economic sensitivity, which supports steady revenue and profitability. Key factors such as population growth, disease prevalence, emerging illnesses, and hygiene conditions sustain the demand for pharmaceutical products. Profitability, however, remains under pressure due to price caps, enforced by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP). Additionally, 70-80% of raw materials are imported, exposing companies to exchange rate risks. Nevertheless, the recent deregulation of drug prices for Non-Essential Medicines allows companies to independently raise prices, further supporting the sector's business risk profile.

Rating incorporates OBS Pharma’s strong product line positioning, cost-efficiency measures through alternate sourcing, and broader market coverage following the acquisition of brands from Bayer Pakistan. The Company’s portfolio, focused on women’s healthcare and dermatology, includes key brands such as Ciproxin, Gravibinan, Travocort, and Primolut N.

Assigned rating also takes into account the Company’s financial risk profile. OBS Pharma reported favorable topline performance during CY23, alongside a higher-than-projected gross margin owing to a one-time discount on the purchase of finished goods inventory from Bayer Pakistan. Margins, however, remained subdued in HYCY24 as a result of lower production capacity utilization as well as continuation of third party outsourcing of certain products. Going forward, the Company plans to internalize the manufacturing of these products to support future margins. The capitalization profile was impacted due to increase in working capital financing to fund upfront inventory purchases from Bayer Pakistan at the time of acquisition. With increase in the projected profitability, both gearing and leverage ratios are expected to improve overtime. The liquidity profile is supported by a positive working capital cycle and sound cashflow coverages. The rating remains underpinned on successful execution and achievement of the projected plan as well as retention of profitability.

For further information on this ratings announcement, please contact at 021-35311861-64 or email at

Applicable Rating Criteria: Corporates:
VIS Issue/Issuer Rating Scale

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