Non-Profit Organization Rating methodology dated October 2023 has been reviewed, while the fundamental criteria as outlined ...
“This methodology outlines the process for mapping of the Global Scale Ratings (GSR) onto the VIS National Scale ratings (NSR) ...
“Covered bond” is a term that typically refers to a debt instrument that has dual recourse: first, to the issuer – which would typically ...
VIS Credit Rating Company Limited’s definition of Management Quality (MQ) Ratings consistently applies across various types of investments, ...
The Non-Banking Finance Companies and notified Entities Regulations, 2008 (NBFCR); have been amended up to May 17, 2023 ...
MARCH, 2024
Construction industry plays a very important role in the economic development of any country. In fact, the performance of this industry....
MAY, 2024
VIS' introduction of "Star Rankings" in the Pakistan market in 2004 paved the way for meaningful analysis of performance of mutual funds....
The Non-Banking Finance Companies and notified Entities Regulations, 2008 (NBFCR); have been amended upto May 17, 2023.....
the scope of the methodology applies to leasing companies, Investment Banks, Modarabas, Asset Management & Investment Advisory Services, ....
Stock brokerage firms serve as essential intermediaries in capital markets, assisting both individual and institutional investors in the trading of listed securities....
Fund Stability Ratings (FSRs) measure the sensitivity of a fund's Net Asset Value (NAV) and total return to changing market conditions, with particular emphasis on downside risk....
VIS has recently reviewed its methodology for Corporate Governance Rating (CGR) to align it with the latest developments in this area....
In this updated methodology, environmental, social, and governance (esg) considerations have been integrated to align with current assessment standards....
In this updated methodology, environmental, social, and governance (esg) considerations have been integrated to align with current assessment standards.....
The criteria ‘Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) Rating Methodology’ applies to a range of entities operating in the insurance sector conducted by VIS Credit Rating Company Limited (VIS)....
September, 2023
A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a vehicle for owning income producing real estate assets. Investment in REIT tends to be tax efficient and provides opportunity...
In this updated Methodology, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations have been integrated to align with current assessment standards..
The criteria titled 'Rating Methodology-Educational Institutions' primarily applies to the evaluation of entities defined and regulated as educational institutions..
July, 2023
The criteria ‘Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)’ applies to a wide range of Industrial and services sector nonfinancial corporate ESG ratings.....
July, 2020
Understanding the influence of corporate relationships is integral to complete credit analysis. As business dynamics continuously reconfigure corporate ownership, its implications for the investor should be out lined...
January, 2025
A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a vehicle for owning income producing real estate assets. Investment in REIT tends to be tax ...
The Non-Banking Finance Companies and notified Entities Regulations, 2008 (NBFCR); have been amended up to February 22, 2024 ....
Fund Stability Ratings (FSRs) measure the sensitivity of a fund's Net Asset Value (NAV) and total return to changing market conditions, ...
Similar to instrument ratings by VIS, a Bank Loan Rating (BLR) indicates the degree of risk regarding timely payment of the interest....
The criteria titled ‘Rating Methodology-Financial Institutions ‘, primarily applies to ratings of entities defined, and regulated as banks, including commercial banks....
Securities brokerage firmsplay a critical intermediary role in the capital markets for individuals as well as institutional investors by facilitating the trading of listed securities...
VIS has recently reviewed its Non-Profit Organization Rating methodology to include Assessment of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects in the ratings.....
The criteria ‘Exchange Companies Rating Methodology’ (ECRM) applies to State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) licensed and regulated currency exchange companies.....
The development of Takaful is considered to be vital to the proliferation of Islamic modes of insurance, especially since it is regarded as a viable alternative.....
VIS Credit Rating Company Limited’s definition of Management Quality (MQ) Ratings consistently applies across various types of investments, including the category of REIT Management Companies (RMCs).....
Covered bond” is a term that typically refers to a debt instrument that has dual recourse: first, to the issuer – which would typically be a financial institution...
VIS has updated the Toll Road methodology to incorporate role of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in rating assessment...
Aug, 2023
The criteria ‘Rating Methodology- Rating the Issue’ focuses on specific debt or hybrid issues issued by corporates and financial institutions, Microfinance banks and Non-bank Financial Corporation (NBFC). I..
May, 2023
The criteria ‘Corporate Rating Methodology’ applies to a wide range of non-financial corporate issuer / entity ratings conducted by VIS Credit Rating Company Limited (VIS)...
With the passage of time, Pakistan has witnessed the emergence of large corporations and groups, which have altered the competitive landscape in the country. These entities often have diversified interests, which ...
VIS Credit Rating Co. Ltd.’s (VIS) rating objective for a securities firm is to assess likelihood of the company being able to make timely payment against its obligations. A rating being prospective in nature, VIS integrates analysis...